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How to change the Facebook link preview image for Wordpress - Neil Snow
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How to change the Facebook link preview image for WordPress

When your brand spanking new website is ready to be shared out to your social spheres– you copy the link URL and paste it to a Facebook post and suddenly that preview image isn’t the best one or seems stretched out and, you have no way to change it… yep, I’ve been there a couple of times!

The first image that Facebook displays from a WordPress website is usually the logo. If you are like me, I make WordPress flex in ways that are uncanny (uncommon) and sometimes Facebook shows an image that is clearly not engaging. Here’s some steps that will make the first impression preview image look stellar. Do this “before” you share it to your devoted followers 😉

1) Install the plugin called Yoast SEO. Among the SEO tools, this allows me to manually override what is sent to Facebook and works very well. You can control the title, the preview image and description.

2) Once you make your necessary changes and save, you may need to purge the website cache or hosting cache to see your updated page info.

3) Then make your way to the ‘Facebook Link Debugger‘ tool. This is easy tool that forces Facebook to pull (aka scrape) your newly updated website info.

Enter the link URL for your site, click the blue ‘Debug’ to see your webpage info. Scroll down and check to see if the link preview is displaying what you added to Yoast SEO. If it is, then you are good to share on Facebook! If it still shows old info, click the ‘scrape’ button a few times until the new image preview appears.

4) Once you see the updated preview image, you are good to share your website. And there you have it… Now your website preview image is looking spot on and ready for your devoted Facebook socialites to like, reshare and post.

If you’re looking for assistance with your website, send me a note. I love to help you reach your goals!

If you try out this tip, leave me a reply. I’d love to hear your feedback!
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